When you use the GreenSite Pass (the “System”) you trust us by providing personal information that helps quickly locate exposure to authenticated or highly suspected patients. The document is intended to provide details on how the system can be used anonymously.

GreenSite Pass does not make any commercial use of any personal information. The system was developed as a service to the public by volunteers and an association for making public information accessible (the “Public Knowledge Workshop” and NGO in Israel) with the intention of creating an effective tool and widely used to fight the corona pandemic.

So what’s the solution?

We have developed a user-friendly and easy-to-use system, anonymous and based on online forms for registering entrances to a business or any website (visitors do not need to install any application). You can divide the site into any number of sub-zones (ZONES) and register entries to them as well.

The system supports all types of phones (smart/dumb) as well as visitors without any phone.

Note: Some of the features listed (such as early registration) will only be available in coming versions.

How can this be of help?

  • Maintaining privacy – there is no monitoring or tracking of location on the personal cell phone (such as GPS or Cellular location surveillance)
  • The system does not know how to track a person’s visits to different businesses.
  • Accuracy – If by now in a case of a verified infected person was discovered at the office floor, train, mass event, gym, etc. – most visitors who stayed in the same place were forced to enter quarantine while with GreenSite Pass – only those staying in a specific area and zone will be asked to enter quarantine. Reducing quarantine numbers – a common interest of businesses and business visitors.
  • Ease of use – the solution is suitable for massive movement of people including mass events (stadium sports, cultural events), public transport (including trains, buses and taxis).
  • Identification and alerting of suspects as infectious – alerting of suspects (with emphasis on Super Spreaders even when they are probably asymptomatic and do not know that they are sick. The system “knows” with a high probability to warn of contagion circles beyond the first and immediate circle of contact with verified patients and to indicate suspects as contagious from other circles (with emphasis on priority in tests for those suspects).

The system allows complete anonymity of users

  • The registration of visitors is done with the help of an anonymous personal code
  • The phone number is used for emergency messages and is stored in a completely separate system. The phone number is used for messages only (can also be used for several people under the same number) and the record of visits does not contain any personal information
  • The use of one phone number for messages that include several people (multiple profiles, currently up to 8 profiles in total) is usually intended for children or adults without a smartphone or no phone at all for whom you want to receive alerts.
  • Although the use of your phone is anonymous and protected by several layers of privacy protection (see details below) you can always use for yourself an additional profile than those attached to your phone similar to browsing the “incognito” web browser.
  • There is no monitoring or location tracking on the personal cell phone (such as cellular or GPS location tracking) and no use of Bluetooth.
  • The only information collected (anonymously) is the entry / exit of a business as you reported.
  • For the same visitor who comes to different businesses, each of them has a different visitor code stored (so that it is not possible to link same visitor to different businesses)
  • Upon receipt of a disease report the system detects a “patient” visit type event to generate accurate alerts based on location and time and yet without addressing the patient’s identity, not even anonymous identity.
  • The system does not use information about the user’s location and traffic routes, nor does it maintain proximity to other telephones.
  • The system does not keep track of visits per user (not even to the anonymous user), but documents entries separately for each business.
  • Information about visits to a business beyond the 21-day time window has been deleted.

The use of information

  • While a new patient is being reported in the system, his encrypted IDs (separate encryptions between businesses) are displayed in a separate database as part of a large and additional group of many other encrypted IDs, most of which are redundant and intended for an additional layer of privacy protection. Each business reads and compares the encrypted IDs to its local records and thus produces a local list of contacts made at the business for the purpose of sending alerts. The alerts will be sent to the phone number used for this purpose. The same Alerts message phone number can serve several people.
  • The system does not send formal or regulated health authority messages. The service does not include medical advice, directly or indirectly, but is intended to help all users know as soon as possible if they have been exposed to a corona patient.
  • GreenSite Pass does not make any commercial use of any personal information. The system was developed as a service to the public by volunteers and an association for making public information accessible (the “Public Knowledge Workshop” NGO in Israel) with the intention of creating an effective tool and widely used to fight the corona pandemic.

How do we act in the event of an information security incident?

Despite the best efforts and controls, there is no system that is completely secure. Therefore, we are committed to informing the users of the app about the information security events that affect them, so that they can take the necessary protection measures.

Questions, suggestions

for improving the app, or reporting any information security or privacy issues

Contact us at app@GreenSitePass.org

Privacy Policy Version

V0.5.0 Published: 23/10/2020

Have a question or just need more info? Contact us and we’ll get back to you!